Saturday, January 28, 2012

A little peace and happiness!

This afternoon we experienced one of those moments where the kids played so nicely together!  There was no fighting.  There was no one getting mad.  They were actually having lots of fun together!  I love those moments!  It is wonderful to see the kids getting along well, sharing, taking turns, and being kind to one another.  And all this translates into a little bit of peace and happiness for myself!!!  I don't have to be in referee mode, but I can be in happy mom mode.  I wish this was how all day every day went, but the reality is, if we have one of these moments a day that is great!  And sometimes it lasts for only five minutes, and on other days the peace and happiness can last much longer - like an hour or so!  Those are really great days!  As the kids grow older, they are playing much better together more often, which is good on all levels. 

Today, I am thankful that they were able to play soccer outside together very nicely for awhile, and then even came in a played a card game together.  They can be so sweet to each times!!  But even if it is only for five minutes, I really cherish those five minutes!

This was another great moment from yesterday.  We went for a walk at the beach, and the kids just had to stop and watch the waves for a few moments! 

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