Wednesday, November 10, 2010

When I grow up...

As I drove Faith home from school today, she was unusually chatty.  I don't know if she was still excited from the extra time she spent there (took her lunch again today!) or the undivided attention she had (Shane was home napping!), but it was really nice!  She shared many details about school, and even let me know that when she gets big she wants to be a teacher!  And a teacher of little kids like her!  Of course that brought a smile to my face!  And while only time will tell what she will actually choose to be when she "grows up", it wouldn't be all that surprising if she did choose the teacher road.  After all, she has quite a few relatives who are teachers!  But even beyond that, it made me happy to think that she must really like school and her teachers is she would want to do the same thing some day!

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