Friday, November 26, 2010

Big Boy Bed!

Today our little Shane took one more big step away from infancy and toward being a little boy!  Not only is he wearing the big boy undies, but now he has a big boy bed!  At first he wasn't so sure he wanted to let go of the crib as he saw it being taken apart.  But once the bed was brought into his room, his face lit up, and he was excited!  And of course, Faith was thrilled as well!  Along with the tinge of sadness that our little one is growing up so quickly, I was a little nervous about how it would go tonight!  He has gone to bed so well and so easily for us in the crib; I was not wanting that to end! 

Here is the excited little guy all ready for bed

He was so happy, especially holding his gorilla and zebra.

But he was also getting sleepy!

And 20 minutes later when I went to check on the kids, they were both out!  No issues, just sleeping!  Yeah!  So far so good!

And the microphone did make a brief reappearance today!  Faith serenaded us as we put the finishing touches on the bedroom!  And Shane worked as the sound man once again!

1 comment:

  1. Hello! I am working on a book development project. I am writing a children's book about the transition from crib to "big kid bed." I am looking for photographs to use in my book, and I really like the photos you have posted to your blog of your son in his new bed! I am writing to ask if you would be willing to give me rights to use the photograph/s in my book. I will need permission to use it for commercial use. Please let me know if you have questions about the content of the book. Thank you!

    Karen Langdon
