Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day!  I hope that all the mothers reading this had a day filled with love and appreciation!  Given that my kids are just 5 and 2 1/2, I was pleasantly surprised by their acknowledgement of the day! I was showered with many "Happy Mother's Day mommy" and "I love you!"  Faith even sang me "Happy Mother's Day" to the tune of "Happy Birthday"!  I thought that was pretty cute!   Since Steve had to work, the kids and I went to Steve's brother Russell's house for the day.  It was an extra special day for Grandma Poelstra as it was also her birthday!  So we had a great time celebrating moms and grandma!

One of the highlights of the day for the kids was seeing Uncle Russell's new puppy Josie!  They loved playing with little Josie, and Shane even had her sit on his lap - with Grandma's help, of course!

Again, Shane and Josie! 

And by the end of the day, Shane wanted to be Josie!  I didn't get any pictures of it, but Shane was even playing fetch - and would carry the ball back in his mouth!! 

This picture was taken on the prior Friday.  Grandpa Poelstra was over for the afternoon, so he and Steve and Faith rode bikes to a local diner called the Busy Bee to get hot fudge sundaes!  Shane and I could not pass up the opportunity for ice cream, so we met them there!  And Shane showed once again his love of all things sweet!!

Faith loved her sundae too!  Apparently it tastes better if she leaves her bike helmet on!!  She actually finished her sundae first and tried to help Shane with his!!

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