Thursday, December 16, 2010

Crafty Afternoon

Faith loves to do arts and crafts.  I am not exactly sure where she developed this notion, but I have come to realize that I need to provide more opportunities for her to be crafty at home!  Of course, I try to look for things that aren't too messy!!  So, when my cousin Kate Bruinsma posted a picture of two of her kids decorating wrapping paper yesterday, I immediately thought that would be a fabulous idea to allow Faith to express her creativity. 

So today we bought some long, white paper, and after nap time the kids created some wrapping paper for me to use!  They were so excited, not only to do the creating, but also about the idea that I would use what they did to wrap some Christmas presents as they love to be helpers!  For me, it was so interesting to see what they did.  Shane made lots of scribbly circles, and didn't have much of an attention span for the project, which I anticipated.  But he would then go off and do puzzles or read books or just play with his animals.  Faith, on the other hand, is still working for me, and she is writing letters, making shapes, tracing hands and feet, drawing pictures, putting on stickers, just to name a few things!  And I am learning things about her - I had no clue she knew how to spell some basic words such as dog and cat!  Of course the kids completely occupied means I was able to fold and put away a couple loads of laundry, have some quiet time, and now post this!  I may learn to really like craft time!

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