Sunday, September 11, 2011


As I sit here reflecting on the past week, all I can do is think, "what a week!"  Not only did we start school for Faith, but both kids also started Awana, Faith had soccer - game and practice, her first music class, and Steve and I were able to squeeze a date in Friday night!

School went well this week.  While I wasn't exactly sure how it would all go, I am pleased with the first week!  In the above picture, Faith is showing the letters that she learned how to write in her first week of school.  Steve is amazed at all she has learned and is telling him about!  Let's hope that her love of learning continues!!

On Friday Grandpa Poelstra came over to see the kids, and also do some free babysitting so Steve and I could go out! We took him and the kids out for dinner to the Busy Bee.  I think the highlight was sharing a hot fudge sundae!!

Not only did Faith have a soccer game Saturday, but she also had team pictures!  So we were at the soccer fields from 10am-1:30pm!  And Faith's team won for the first time this season, so that was a definite highlight!!

We also celebrated another victory on Saturday - a Michigan football victory!  The kids and I had a little football party as we watched the first half of the game!  Sadly for them, they went to bed and missed the really great part of the game, but they were both excited when they found out it was a W for the maize and blue! 

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