Friday, March 16, 2012

Not so bad afterall!

Usually I am thankful for things that happen in our daily I am grateful for what did NOT happen!  This morning started out pretty normally, and I was preparing for my MOPS steering team to come over for a quick meeting.  Since a gathering of women is not complete without food, I had planned to make a new recipe - Bubble Bread.  All was going well, and I put it on the oven, anticipating how good this gooey bread treat would be. 

As I finished up school with Faith, I noticed that it smelled a bit strange.  So I look in the oven, and there was some smoke in there!  I figured some of the butter, sugar mixture must have melted and leaked out of the angel food cake pan in which the bread was baking.  Putting the pan on a baking sheet, I thought I had solved the problem.  And in one sense I had, preventing more leaking to the bottom of the stove, but I didn't think about that which had already leaked!  It continued to burn!  Thankfully, I had enough sense tofinally turn off the oven and prevent further disaster! 

So as my MOPS friends arrived, I did not have delicious Bubble Bread waiting for them, but a bit of a smokey scent lingering despite the open windows and candles!  But, I was thankful that no fire actually started, and that I had bagels to serve my friends!

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