Yesterday was our first adventure to the local Urgent Care Center. The afternoon plan was to take the kids to the beach after nap time as it was a beautiful, summer-like day! But all that changed right before Shane went down for his nap. The little guy climbed up one of the book shelves in the living room to get a better look at a decorative vase filled with Scrabble tiles. (I was trying to make our house look like something out of a Restoration Hardware or Pottery Barn catalog!). And to better examine things, Shane pulled the vase down, which hit him in the head along the brow line. While the vase did not break, it split the skin. So off he and I headed to Urgent Care to see if stitches were needed. Thankfully, it was not busy, and we were able to be seen relatively quickly.

Here he is at the urgent care waiting for the doctor to come back in and check on him before going home. Shane was a great patient and was brave when having the wound glued (the doctor glued it rather than stitching it as she thought it would work just as fine and be less traumatic for him!).
Back at home Shane wanted some extra protection while playing in the backyard, so he asked me to put on some knee and elbow pads!!
And he even kept them on while having a snack! Thankfully he continues to do well! Even though the whole ordeal turned out better than anticipated originally, I hope it is a long time before we have to make a return visit!
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