We had a great holiday weekend, and hope that others did as well! We had the privilege of having some of Steve's family come up for Saturday and Sunday to enjoy the long weekend and the gorgeous weather! Sadly, I have zero pictures from most of the weekend, but will insert a few of the kids that I took on Saturday afternoon!
The kids were thrilled that Uncle Joe and Aunt Renee and Grandpa Poelstra were coming up for two days as they love having company, and they love Vincent, the dog that accompanies Joe and Renee! We had a great time as we were able to relax and just hang out. A highlight for me was being able to go out for dinner, without the kids!, both Saturday and Sunday nights! Free babysitters are the greatest!! We also barbecued on Sunday, which is always very tasty!

On Monday, as we tried to get life back to normal once again after all the excitement, we took the kids for a walk down by the beach. They both did so well - Faith on her big wheel and Shane on his tricycle (with a handle for us to push and steer), and so it was quite fun. Once nap time was over, we rode our bikes (kids on the back in their bike seats - and no, still no pics of that!!) down to the beach to play in the ocean. Since it really was the first great weather all year, the kids were so excited that they could actually go in the water! They had a great time, despite the cold water, and we were amazed at how brave Faith was in the waves and how excited Shane was by it all! The waves were lots of fun for them, but of course made me nervous - a mother's job, I'm sure! Faith also enjoyed finding some Sea Anemones and a Star Fish over by some rocks. At preschool they have been talking about animals in the ocean, so it made for quite the exciting story to share with the teachers on Tuesday! And to top it off, there was a pod of dolphins jumping just off shore! So, it was a great weekend with many good memories! We're excited about more trips to the beach this summer!

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