The past few days we have enjoyed unseasonably warm weather! It's been a wonderful treat, and Faith is very confused about the seasons! She has learned that there are four seasons and the basics about each, but can't understand how it can be as warm as summer in the winter! We have pretty much the same conversation every day about what season she thinks it is and what season it really is and what is coming next, etc.! Since I didn't want to bring out the wading pool for the kids, I figured the water table would be just as much fun! Shane loved it that he could actually splash and pour water out of the table, as opposed to the bath tub!
Splashing action!

And he's in the throwing stage as well...everything gets thrown eventually!

They played so well together!!

They ended the afternoon on the slide!
It was a great afternoon, and as the warm weather is predicted to stick around for a while, I'm sure we'll bring it out again soon!
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