Today Faith participated in her first ballet class. This was something that she had been looking forward to for quite some time, so needless to say, she was beyond excited! And she loved the class, so that was great. As Shane and I watched in the back of the room, I immediately began to wonder if Faith has too much
energy for the beautiful dance of ballet. Maybe it was the first week excitement, maybe it was just her love to dance, but she was extremely energetic. Of course the other moms thought it was cute that she had such enthusiasm. I was more worried that the teacher was not appreciating it! Regardless, Faith had a blast and can't wait to go again next week! Here are some additional pictures. They are not the greatest quality as the camera battery was running low, the lighting was poor, and the subject was anything but still!

Looking the part!

Faith did the best when all the girls were up and moving. The waiting your turn thing, watching others leap across the room, was more challenging!

Enjoying herself

An action shot! And this is actually exactly what she is supposed to be doing - jumping off two fee! Way to go!