We are home once again after a great week-long vacation at Lake Havasu. The weather was great (only one day was too hot!), the company (Nords and Taylors) was enjoyable, and we are already looking forward to our next trip back to the lake! It's always an extra special trip when we are there with friends, especially good friends who we don't see often. We are able to enjoy dinners out together as well as relaxing evenings, sitting out on by the water and just chatting while the kids are in bed! Many of the world's problems were solved by our late night talks! Since we were there for a week, there are many pictures!

Here is Steve enjoying the water with Delaynee Nord and Faith and another friend we met there. Notice Faith is not wearing a life jacket or swimmies! Since the other older girls were not doing so, Faith asked if she could go without. While it made me nervous (I watched her extra closely!!), she did really well. She showed off what she has learned in swim lessons, and actually encouraged Delaynee to start swimming under the water!
At first Shane was a little worried about the whole swimming thing (aka he had to be held by mom!), but soon he gained some confidence and really had a great time! Once he saw Lucy Taylor using his floating thing, he wanted to swim in it, which was really great!
The two kids really had a great time together!
Again, one of the highlights of being at the lake is drinking Gatorade! Shane would ask for it all the time! He even would ask Steve as soon as they took off on the Jet Ski to stop for some Gatorade!!
Right outside our room post-nap time!
Relaxin' after a big morning of swimming!
Needing a break after riding the Jet Ski all morning! We were able to ride them to the Colorado River and up to Topock for some breakfast! It was a highlight of the trip! We also went and spent an afternoon in Topock Gorge, which was really great! The kids ran around and played along the sandy beach, while Steve and I sat in chairs in the shade and soaked in the beauty around us and delighted in the joy of our kids!
Since we were on vacation and wanting the kids to spend some time relaxing out of the sun, we did let them watch some movies! Shane discovered Charlotte's Web and it became an instant favorite! He also discovered the joy of watching a movie while in bed!!
The girls posing for pictures before heading out for dinner one night! The kids all got along very well and had a great time together!!
Here is Faith helping Steve clean the skis and prep them for the next trip! We took the weekend to relax and recover (catch up on sleep, do laundry, clean the skies, unpack). Now we are preparing for all of life's activities to start up once again...school, MOPS, ballet, etc. It was the prefect way to end summer!